Countdown to JAMIT Fest


Jamaican Association of Italy

Authentic cultural appreciation

and commercial exchanges empowering people of Italy and Jamaica!

The Jamaican Italian (JAMIT) Association strengthens and enhances the existing trade and cultural connections between Italy and Jamaica. We offer a wide range of activities, events, products, and services aimed at promoting cultural exchange and creating employment opportunities, with a particular focus on youth and women.

JAMIT is headquartered in the Salento region of Italy, which is slightly larger than the island of Jamaica. But beyond size, it’s the shared similarities in coastal landscape, agriculture, local dialects, and music that have earned Salento the nickname “The Jamaica of Italy”. This historical connection has inspired deeper commercial and cultural ties between these two regions, which JAMIT actively cultivates.

About Us

The Jamaican Italian (JAMIT) Association strengthens and enhances the existing trade and cultural connections between Italy and Jamaica. We offer a wide range of activities, events, products, and services aimed at promoting cultural exchange and creating employment opportunities, with a particular focus on youth and women.

JAMIT is headquartered in the Salento region of Italy, which is slightly larger than the island of Jamaica. Beyond size, it’s the shared similarities in coastal landscape , agriculture, local dialects, and music that have earned Salento the nickname “The Jamaica of Italy.” This historical connection has inspired deeper commercial and cultural ties between these two regions, which JAMIT actively cultivates.

JAMIT empowers its members by facilitating meaningful exchanges, strengthening economic and cultural opportunities between Jamaica and Italy.
Authentic cultural appreciation and commercial exchanges empowering people of Italy and Jamaica.
Proposito Di Noi

L’Associazione di Scambi Culturali Jamaican Italian Association (JAMIT) rafforza e valorizza i collegamenti commerciali e culturali esistenti tra Italia e Giamaica. Proponiamo una vasta gamma di attività, eventi, prodotti e servizi volti a promuovere lo scambio culturale e a creare opportunità di lavoro, con particolare attenzione ai giovani e alle donne.

JAMIT ha sede nella regione italiana del Salento, che è leggermente più grande dell’isola della Giamaica. Ma al di là delle dimensioni, sono le somiglianze condivise nel paesaggio costiero, nell’agricoltura, nei dialetti locali e nella musica che hanno fatto guadagnare al Salento il soprannome di “La Giamaica d’Italia”. Questo legame storico ha ispirato legami commerciali e culturali più profondi tra queste due regioni, che JAMIT coltiva attivamente.

JAMIT supporta i propri membri nel creare connessioni significative, rafforzando al contempo le opportunità economiche e culturali tra la Giamaica e l’Italia.
Autentica valorizzazione culturale e scambi commerciali che potenziano le persone italiane e giamaicane.

The Jamaican Italian (JAMIT) Association strengthens and enhances the existing trade and cultural connections between Italy and Jamaica. We offer a wide range of activities, events, products, and services aimed at promoting cultural exchange and creating employment opportunities, with a particular focus on youth and women.

JAMIT is headquartered in the Salento region of Italy, which is slightly larger than the island of Jamaica. But beyond size, it’s the shared similarities in coastal landscape, agriculture, local dialects, and music that have earned Salento the nickname “The Jamaica of Italy”. This historical connection has inspired deeper commercial and cultural ties between these two regions, which JAMIT actively cultivates.

Collaborations, Partnerships, & Sponsorships

JAMIT provides expert consulting services to businesses, schools, and individuals seeking guidance on cultural diversity and inclusion. We also assist Jamaicans and Italians in deepening their understanding of each other’s cultures and markets.

JAMIT builds a network through strategic collaborations with cultural institutions and partnerships or sponsorships with corporate entities.

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